Aggregate Stats

These stats only include single solves and blindsolves. Ao5, one-handed, no-filters, and FMC are not included.

\[\frac{1}{\#\text{events}}\sum_{e\in \text{events}}\left(100 \cdot \frac{\text{world record}_e}{\text{personal best}_e}\right)\]

A person’s event ratio for one event is the ratio of the world record divided by their personal best.

A person’s total Kinch Rank is 100 times the average of their event ratios, including zeros for events they haven’t participated in.

Index Name Score
1 Grant Staten 46.393
2 Logan Maciejewski (The Cube Dude) 34.310
3 Luna Harran 23.331
4 Andrew Farkas (Hactar) 23.148
5 Rowan Fortier 23.095
6 Tymon Fro 21.681
7 Nenri 17.705
8 PKEarth 14.676
9 Emanuele Battistin 9.507
10 Hana (Curun1r) 9.382
11 Milo Jacquet 7.823
12 Bilal Mourad 7.736
13 Tetrian 5.792
14 Adam Marcellus Kelly 5.140
15 Ethan Davis 5.126
16 Vin 4.850
17 Hyperespy 4.667
18 Asa Kaplan 4.545
19 Kevin Liu 4.545
20 Sebastian Yuste 4.545
21 Josie Elliston 4.269
22 Saturnb 3.346
23 Edan Maor 3.194
24 TheGrayCuber 3.160
25 Lorenzo1098 2.080
26 Godly 1.788
27 Jack Cai 1.768
28 Daniel Cohen 1.569
29 Henry Pickle 1.568
30 Trey Bowen (Pkmnhx43) 1.499
31 Koen R. 1.493
32 Normal Origamist 1.431
33 Olaf Niechcial 1.074
34 Jessica Chen 1.027
35 Connor Lindsay 0.983
36 Ray Chen 0.972
37 Stella 0.965
38 Markk 0.952
39 Gabe Stout 0.935
40 Murat Emre Yiğiter 0.892
41 K3v1N 0.801
42 Alvin 0.696
43 Cali Kerschen 0.682
44 Vincent Pistelli 0.639
45 The Void 0.491
46 Starryninja 0.419
47 Akkei 0.370
48 Freya 0.343
\[\left(\sum_{e\in \text{events}} \text{rank}_e^{-1}\right)^{-1}\]

A parallel sum is the reciprocal of the sum of reciprocals.

A person’s Parallel Sum of Ranks is the parallel sum of their rank in every event, including \(\infty\) for events they haven’t participated in.

Index Name Score
1 Logan Maciejewski (The Cube Dude) 0.146
2 Grant Staten 0.182
3 Andrew Farkas (Hactar) 0.243
4 Tymon Fro 0.273
5 Nenri 0.333
6 Luna Harran 0.339
7 Rowan Fortier 0.340
8 PKEarth 0.632
9 Emanuele Battistin 0.647
10 Milo Jacquet 0.750
11 Bilal Mourad 0.822
12 Ethan Davis 0.969
13 Asa Kaplan 1.000
14 Kevin Liu 1.000
15 Sebastian Yuste 1.000
16 Hyperespy 1.024
17 Hana (Curun1r) 1.429
18 Tetrian 1.782
19 TheGrayCuber 2.000
20 Adam Marcellus Kelly 2.308
21 Vin 2.571
22 Jack Cai 3.000
23 Josie Elliston 3.000
24 Markk 3.000
25 K3v1N 4.000
26 Saturnb 4.421
27 Akkei 5.000
28 Daniel Cohen 5.000
29 Lorenzo1098 5.714
30 Normal Origamist 6.000
31 Edan Maor 7.000
32 Trey Bowen (Pkmnhx43) 7.355
33 Connor Lindsay 8.000
34 Godly 13.000
35 Henry Pickle 14.000
36 Koen R. 16.000
37 Olaf Niechcial 21.000
38 Jessica Chen 22.000
39 Ray Chen 23.000
40 Stella 24.000
41 Gabe Stout 25.000
42 Murat Emre Yiğiter 26.000
43 Alvin 28.000
44 Cali Kerschen 29.000
45 Vincent Pistelli 30.000
46 The Void 32.000
47 Starryninja 33.000
48 Freya 34.000
\[\sum_{e\in \text{events}} \text{rank}_e\]

A person’s Sum of Ranks is the sum of their rank in every event. When someone hasn’t participated in an event, their rank is considered to be equal to one plus the number of people who have participated.

Index Name Score
1 Grant Staten 66
2 Andrew Farkas (Hactar) 82
3 PKEarth 91
4 Tymon Fro 91
5 Rowan Fortier 96
6 Hana (Curun1r) 99
7 Nenri 100
8 Bilal Mourad 106
9 Luna Harran 107
10 Adam Marcellus Kelly 112
11 Josie Elliston 115
12 Emanuele Battistin 117
13 Logan Maciejewski (The Cube Dude) 118
14 Saturnb 118
15 Edan Maor 119
16 Godly 125
17 Henry Pickle 126
18 Lorenzo1098 127
19 Koen R. 128
20 Vin 128
21 Trey Bowen (Pkmnhx43) 130
22 Olaf Niechcial 133
23 Tetrian 133
24 Jessica Chen 134
25 Ray Chen 135
26 Stella 136
27 Gabe Stout 137
28 Ethan Davis 138
29 Murat Emre Yiğiter 138
30 Milo Jacquet 139
31 Alvin 140
32 Cali Kerschen 141
33 Hyperespy 141
34 Vincent Pistelli 142
35 Daniel Cohen 143
36 Kevin Liu 144
37 Normal Origamist 144
38 The Void 144
39 Starryninja 145
40 TheGrayCuber 145
41 Akkei 146
42 Asa Kaplan 146
43 Connor Lindsay 146
44 Freya 146
45 Jack Cai 146
46 K3v1N 146
47 Markk 146
48 Sebastian Yuste 146