DRBelt is a Physical 3x3x3x3 method developed by The Cube Dude. It aims to minimize the number of gyros needed to solve the puzzle for a faster and more enjoyable solving experience.
Recommended Knowledge¶
Before learning this method, it is recommended to have experience with the following: 3x3x3x3 General Solving, 3x3x3 Edge Orientation, Physical 2x2x2x2 General Solving
Step 1: Ridge Band¶
In this step, solve 4 ridges that all share the same 2 axes. For example, this could mean solving the Red/Green, Red/Blue, Orange/Blue, and Orange/Green ridges.
Step 2: Ridge Orientation¶
In this step, orient the remaining ridges. This can be done by doing quarter turns on one of the component cells of the Ridge Band in a way that doesn’t break existing progress. This can be done in a similar way as 3x3x3 Edge Orientation. After doing this, gyro the ridge band to the tertiary axes (aka Sticky-Outy Bits)
Step 3: Belt¶
In this step, solve the rest of the middle layer by making two 1x3x3 blocks around opposite centers.
Step 4: OL2C¶
In this step, orient the remaining edges and corners. To do this with a low number of gyros, arrange 8 misoriented pieces onto a belt cell in a valid 3D OLL configuration. Then, gyro to that axis and do a RKT 3D OLL.
Step 5: PL2C¶
In this step, solve the remaining pieces with a combination of Outer Turns and RKT.