5D Shape: Hypercube
Physical Shape: “Rectangular prism”
Pieces: 32 5c
Designed: 2023 Feb 13
The Physical 2x2x2x2x2 (25) is a valid design that represents its virtual counterpart, designed by Akkei, Grant, and Andreas. Unlike the restricted 2x2x2x2x2, this puzzle would have the full freedom and moves of the virtual puzzle.
In the Hypercubers Discord, Akkei and Andreas were discussing how to represent the symmetries of a 5D 5c piece in 3D. They came upon a certain colouring of the rhombic triacontahedron that worked.
I see
I seeeee
Akkei quickly finished rendering the full puzzle, with all 32 pieces:
A few hours later, Grant figured out a simpler way to arrange the stickers. The previous approach required each face of each rhombic triacontahedron to take on three colours, but Grant’s approach only required each face of each rhombic triacontahedron to take on one solid colour.
Two days later, after an extensive voice chat, he rendered a different version where the one-colour stickers were rearranged so that the pieces were oriented in a more readable way:
This rearrangement works because the rhombic triacontahedron encodes the same information as a compound of five cubes, where each cube represents a sticker of the five-dimensional puzzle.